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The Innocent Haiti's Baby and 68 hours


Haiti earthquake left so many damage and sorrow. People almost loss everything. Parents are still looking for their kids, otherwise the kids still looking for their parents and family. But how the way a baby done it?

This is Miracle

Winnie Tilin miracle baby
Beyond to difficult circumstance in Haiti, there is unusual moment. Something extraordinary happened when Deiby Celestino was the TV crew’s interpreter from the Dominican Republic have been successfully pull 16 month old girl out from the ruins of house on January 15 then he passed the baby to Australian journalist Mike Amor.

Almost three days or exactly 68 hours a baby with no food and no drink, trapping in collapsed building but able to survive during the time and she was looked OK when Mike hold her. She just a baby, but she is a part of hundreds or thousands people who fight to get them out, not only from the trapped ruins but also step to future life.

Wherever they are and whatever their condition now, we wish they have high spirit to take them out from this condition.


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